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Favored by the Mazatec shamans, the Mazatapec strain is a potent beauty! Find out more about Mazatapec’s name, origin, and growth habits in this article.

Straight from the Eagle’s Nest

The Mazatapec spore is collected by the Mazatec shamans near Huautla Jimenez, Mexico. 

The name Huautla comes from the Nahuatl language. But the town is also called Tejao, meaning ‘Eagle’s Nest’ in the Mazatec language. The Nahuas and Mazatecs are indigenous groups in Mexico and inhabited the area during the time of the Aztecs. 

Just one tiny mistake…

One theory states that because this strain was originally used by the Mazatec, the strain bore their name. But due to a spelling error, it was introduced to the west as Mazatapec. It apparently took a whole year to discover that mistake, by which time, the Mushroom community had already adopted the new but incorrect name. 

A second theory

Mazatepec is a city in the Mexican state of Morelos. The name also comes from the Nahuatl language and means ‘’hill of the deer”. Mazatl means deer, and tepetl means hill. This area of modern-day Mexico has been home to vibrant communities since the pre-classical times (1500-1000 BC) and the use of entheogenic mushrooms has long been a part of local customs. 

So it’s entirely possible that the strain was named after Mazatepec the city, the Mazatec shamans, or both. 


A strain to heal the pain

The Mazatec use this strain for sacred, ritualistic ceremonies to talk to spirits and heal ailments. In the 1950s, Westerners were allowed to participate in these rituals for the first time which introduced Psilocybin to the modern world. This started the Psychedelic Movement and changed the landscape of the use of hallucinogenic drugs around the world forever!

An old soul 

The Mazatapec strain grows in beautiful flushes but asks its grower for some patience. It is possible but not guaranteed that growing this strain can take a little bit longer than some other strains. But it’s worth the wait, considering that you are taking an old soul home that has been cultivated for thousands of years. 

Keep it somewhere between 23 °C and 30 °C and it will not disappoint you. For the more advanced setups, the ideal conditions are as follows:

  • Temperature during colonization: 28-30 °C
  • Temperature during cropping: 22-25 °C

The information provided by Mondo Grow Kits is for general informational purposes only and does not advocate the use of illicit products.

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A gift from the magical South Floridian Coast!  Find out more about Treasure Coast’s name, origin and growth habits in this blog.

Where does the Treasure Coast name come from?

Sunny beaches, adventures and legends: This strain is named after the Treasure Coast in South Florida, a beautiful and mysterious region on the East Coast of the U.S.

Reportedly named by a man named ‘Mr. G’ who later became an infamous mycologist in the underground shroom scene.


The location was named around the 20th century, shortly after explorers started to discover hidden Spanish treasures and century-old shipwrecks there. 

The Mushroom was allegedly found growing in bovine dung patches. But like with most origin stories, this one should be enjoyed with a pinch of salt. 

Treasure Coast mushroom fruiting

Treasure Coast is a very prolific fruiter and can occasionally spin off albino, or near albino. Once grown, it will show its thick, white stems and beige caps. These caps can potentially grow with white discolourations. While this strain is an already potent Mushroom, its potential white parts are the most potent. 


Treasure Coast growing conditions

Treasure Coast is very easy to cultivate but needs a patient grower. It can take up to 18 days to colonize but holds very high yield potential.

Like a typical Floridian, this strain needs toasty temperatures to fruit. Keep it at around 23 °C – 30 °C and it will not disappoint!

Treasure Coast cubensis users have reported a slightly stronger start, with a calmer and more visual-heavy experience.

The information provided by Mondo Grow Kits on this page is for general informational and educational purposes only and does not advocate the use of any products. 

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From Thailand with love! Ban Hua Thai is an ambitious grower that will bring joy to your home! Find out more about Ban Hua Thai’s name, origin, and growth habits in this article.


Picturesque home

The original name of this strain is Ban Hua Thanon, named after the idyllic fishing village in which it was first discovered. The strain was becoming popular in locations such as Koh Samui and Koh Pha-ngan as far back as the 1990s.

Despite the fact these islands are located far from the gorgeous Koh Phi-Phi Island chain where the famous film “The Beach” was controversially filmed, they are often mistaken for one another. Nevertheless, mushroom shakes can still be found on these islands by visiting tourists.

Nowadays, they are more commonly referred to as simply ‘Thai’ Mushrooms. While the reasoning behind renaming this strain is not fully known, the popularity and international recognition of full moon parties hosted in Thailand is a likely culprit.

It was brought to the West in 1991 by famous ethnomycologist John W. Allen, after one of his many trips to the area. 

Contemporary business

The global popularity of Thai mushrooms is certainly attributed in part to John Allen, although some have argued the locals were engaged in the cultivation of this magical strain long before Allen’s trips to Thailand.

Interestingly, although the use of hallucinogenic drugs is strictly prohibited there, visitors to Thailand have reported restaurants blatantly offering hallucinogenic Mushrooms on their menus. Over the years, the growing international interest in psilocybin and magic mushrooms has boosted the Thai tourism industry.  

Third generation

Ban Hua Thai’s original strain produced unpredictable results and generated rather wild harvests which were far from ideal for anyone looking to achieve similar results time and again. The strain’s current form is therefore the third generation and has much more stable flushes. 

Cultivation is easy and quick, and colonization takes less than two weeks. This strain likes it warm, so keep it at around 28 °C – 30 ° C and it will fruit beautifully.

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Despite being different organisms, truffles and sclerotia are often mistaken for each other. Or, at least, many of us refer to sclerotia as magic truffles. While this might be caused by their similar appearance, there is another potential explanation for the misnomer. It may be caused by the less appealing sound of sclerotia – because although truffles are a highly sought-after food, let’s face it, sclerotia does NOT sound delicious.

So, as these two terms are often used interchangeably, let’s start with some definitions.

  • Sclerotia: The resting stage in many fungi. A compact mass of hardened mycelium living underground. Sclerotia may contain the psychoactive compound psilocybin, which is why almost all of us inaccurately call them magic truffles.
  • Truffles: The edible, subterranean fruiting body of a fungus. Typically found near the roots of trees and valued as a delicacy. Truffles do not contain psilocybin.

Ok, they’re not the same thing, but what are the main differences?

From a mycological perspective, truffles are reproductive structures. They contain spores that are spread once they are excreted by the animals that eat them. Technically, truffles have a symbiotic relationship with their host tree, meaning both are gaining from the relationship.

Sclerotia, on the other hand, are just sclerotia and NOT a truffle, as the host mushrooms only take from the sclerotia. They therefore exist only to ensure the shrooms can survive under poor conditions, without necessarily gaining anything from the relationship. They are like a backup generator for times of drought, freezing, or nutrient depletion.

What did I buy from my smartshop?

Well, in most countries, psilocybin containing mushrooms are not allowed. The Netherlands (home of Mondo) is an exception to this. In Amsterdam and beyond you will find that sclerotia are sold as magic truffles despite not scientifically being a truffle and are in fact legally sold in smart shops.

As with any psychoactive substance, it is important to conduct research before taking sclerotia, even if you buy them from the most reputable sources like Mondo.

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When referring to magic mushrooms, we are typically talking about the Psilocybe Cubensis strain. The reason behind its popularity is that this strain has the most readily available information, and it is typically the easiest one to cultivate indoors. Psilocybe Cubensis species include well-known mushrooms such as Golden Teacher, B+ & McKennai. Nevertheless, there are other species of Psilocybe mushrooms that are also available for human consumption. Underneath you will find information regarding three of these species:

  1. Psilocybe Semilanceata

This species is commonly referred to as Liberty Caps and is known to be one of the most widespread psychedelic mushroom growing in the wild. This species was one of the first mushrooms to be discovered in Europe, with reports dating back to the late 18th century. They like to grow in rich and acidic soil, such as meadows and grassland.

Liberty Caps are one of the smallest psilocybin mushrooms available (4 to 10cm long). The caps are bell-shaped and have a grainy taste to them. They are difficult to cultivate indoors, therefore the majority of these are picked in the wild and then consumed. However, one must be careful when picking them in the wild as they can easily be confused with poisonous species.

  1. Psilocybe Azurescens

This species is commonly referred to as the Flying Saucer mushroom, and it is considered to be one of the strongest magic mushrooms available in the wild. Legend has it that they were discovered in the late 20th century by a group of boy scouts, however they weren’t considered an official specie until it was discovered by Paul Stamets in 1996.

This species is only found in the wild in the West coast of the US, with the majority clustering by the Columbia river delta. They. Their preferred habitat are sandy soils, dunes, sea grasses or decaying wood. Unlike other species, the Azuerecens is capable of withstanding lower temperatures (16-24 degrees Celsius). For this reason, they are easier to grow at home than other mushroom species.

The taste of the mushroom is described as very bitter, making it unpleasant to eat. This species contains some of the highest percentages of Psilocybin (1.78%), which is considered 3-4 times stronger than the cubensis species. This specie is only for advanced consumers!

  1. Psilocybe Cyanescens

The Cyanescens species is commonly referred to as Wavy Caps mushroom due to its rippled appearance. This mushroom was first identified in 1946 by an English woman named Elsie Wakefield. This mushroom is endemic to Central Europe and the Pacific Northwest, making it one of the most widespread psilocybe mushrooms in the world. Rumour has it that the mushroom spread worldwide through the international trade of lumber and mulch production.

This species prefers woody debris found along gardens, trails, parks and any other form of nature. The species is quite tough to grow indoors, however due to its popularity amongst mycologists it is considered a favourite. A big factor for their popularity is the potency (between 0.3 – 1.68% psilocybin). Funnily enough, this species is stronger when eaten fresh, even though it still produces significant effects when dried.

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Over the last decade, we have seen an increased interest by the public in the medicinal and therapeutic applications of mushrooms (magic mushrooms included). There is a large amount of information and research papers available where you can find all the details about mushroom applications, however this can be a bit overwhelming. To make it easier for our readers, we have compiled some brief explanations and general information about some of the favorite medicinal mushrooms. 

What are medicinal mushrooms?

Traditional medicinal applications of mushrooms (including magic mushrooms), have been popular for centuries and have been used by ancient civilizations such as the Incas, Native Americans, Siberian nomads, etc. However, it wasn’t until recently that the Western world has become exposed to the health benefits of multiple mushrooms. When we say medicinal, what we mean is that there is plenty of therapeutic value for human health. What we mean by this is not that they will cure diseases, but that they can help in the process of recovering or staying healthy. Curiously enough, it is very common for pharmaceutical medicines and dietary supplements to contain mushrooms or some of its active compounds.

How do medicinal mushrooms help?

Well, that question is not as easy to answer as one may think. Medicinal mushrooms can help with a plethora of things. According to Dr Michele Ross, “medicinal mushrooms can act as a nootropics”. Nootropics are nutritional and medical compounds that can help enhance an individual’s cognitive function (mental processes within a person’s psyche).

Over the last decade, there have been several studies suggesting that mushrooms, like lion’s mane or reishi, have the capacity to stimulate nerve growth in the brain thanks to the compounds it contains. Nevertheless, these studies have only been carried out on rodents, so there is not enough evidence to say the same for human beings yet. Nonetheless, there are plenty of researchers/individuals that have experienced said benefits. 

You must still be wondering, what exactly makes mushrooms medicinal? Well, simply said, they contain an astounding number of nutritional and bioactive compounds: vitamins, antioxidants, aromatic terpenes, complex sugars (beta-glucans), etc. All these compounds are different and have therapeutic potential. 

Medicinal Mushrooms and their medical applications

Everyone is probably wondering, which mushrooms have medicinal properties. Well, there are over 700 species that contain compounds that are beneficial to your health so it’s difficult to mention all. For this reason, we will go through the species that have the most research available.

  • Reishi

Reishi, also known as the mushroom of immortality, has been used for centuries. This species was very common in traditional Chinese medicine, due to its versatility and medicinal attributes. Reishi contains over 200 different polysaccharides, a carbohydrate that is an important source of energy in animal and human cells. Furthermore, they are rich in amino acids which help us break down food, repair body tissue and boost your immune system. It is common for contemporary doctors in China to recommend Reishi to cancer patients in order to improve the immune system during radiation. In the Western world, this mushroom is being studied thoroughly for its ability to boost the immune system, help with sleep, and accompany cancer treatment. 

  • Lion’s Mane

This mushroom has been used for centuries in the northern hemisphere and is known for its neurological health benefits. They have two active compounds that are known to stimulate the growth of new brain cells. These two compounds are known as hericenones and erinacines. Furthermore, Lion’s Mane can help improve mental endurance and focus, which can help with those suffering from chronic illness or depression.

  • Shiitake 

Historically, this mushroom was used a lot in traditional medicine in China and Japan. It was used to fight the common cold, and recent research shows that they may potentially have cholesterol-suppressing potential, as well as anti-tumor potential. It contains a type of polysaccharide known as lentinan, which is already used in modern-day China and Japan to help with immunotherapy. 

  • Psilocybe 

Psilocybe mushrooms are also commonly referred to as magic mushrooms. Due to its psychoactive nature, this mushroom may not have properties that stimulate the immune system, heal the body, etc. There is however proof of early clinical trials showing that small quantities have had success helping with depression and anxiety. This type of mushroom has less research available concerning its health benefits, but there is a clear increase in scientific research over the last decade.  


It is clear to see that many mushroom species have some sort of beneficial compound or active ingredient present. However, we are still in the early research phase with regard to their health benefits. Currently, most scientific research is carried out on mice/rats, and from the available studies, it is evident that many health benefits can be attributed to these mushrooms. At Mondo, we are very curious to see what kind of studies will be released over the coming decade about the health properties of mushrooms. 

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Mushroom tinctures can come from hundreds of different species, however at Mondo we have three that are considered to be the most popular and beneficial to the human body. This article will serve as a guide to the three tinctures available at Mondo: Reishi, Chaga & Lion’s Mane.

Lion’s Mane – Versatile Mushroom

The Lion’s Mane mushroom is an edible type of mushroom that has been commonly used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine. It was commonly used in ancient China for its ability to help with the digestive system, water regulation and ability to improve concentration. It was common for other civilizations across Asia, Europe and North America to use Lion’s mane due to its beneficial attributes on the body and mind. 

The mushroom can be found throughout the whole northern hemisphere, with higher prevalence in Asia due to its importance in ancient Chinese medicine, which is still widely practiced in China. The fruiting bodies of Lion’s Mane can range from 5-40cm in diameter, and tend to be a white/creamy color (it can change to more of a yellow/brown the older it becomes). In the wild, they are usually found amongst hardwoods and the mushroom tends to dangle downwards. Alternatively, in Asia it is common for organizations to produce them in mass on wood logs.

Lion’s Mane is renowned for being a versatile mushroom. They can be used to make a range of products, such as tinctures or even for culinary purposes. Furthermore, it is known to be quite a resistant mushroom. It deals well with other species trying to colonize the same wood. Another function of the Lion’s mane is its ability to support healthy cognition. This is because it contains all compounds functional fungi contain, as well as erinacenes and hericenones. These last two are the components that help with healthy cognition. 

Reishi – The ‘Mushroom of Immortality’

Lingzhi, commonly referred to as Reishi, is a polypore fungus belonging to the Ganoderma genus. It is one of the most commonly used mushrooms in traditional Chinese medicine. This species has been used for over 3000 years and is frequently referred to as the mushroom of immortality. This was because of its ability to help with so many medical/therapeutical treatments such as: sleep deprivation, anxiety, digestion, etc. On top of this, it was frequently used in teas, broths and other culinary recipes. 

The Reishi mushroom is a kidney-shaped mushroom with a red/brown color cap that can grow up to 30cm in diameter. They like to grow in moist and temperate forest climates where there are many deciduous trees, most commonly plum and oak trees. In nature, it is known to grow at the base and stumps of said trees. However, out of 10000 trees, you will only find 2 or three that contain Reishi growth. This makes it incredibly rare to find in the wild. Therefore, the majority of Reishi is cultivated on hardwood logs, woodchips and sawdust. 

Like the Lion’s Mane, this species is very versatile too! Various studies, the majority of which are on mice, show that reishi contains compounds known as polysaccharides. This compound is known to help the body fight cancerous tumor by stimulating the immune system and production of white blood cells. Other beneficial substances or compounds found are:

  • Sterols  Acts as a natural antihistamine, reducing allergic reactions and inflammation
  • Antioxidants  They help counteract the damaging effect of oxidation on human skin
  • Triptenes  Help lower blood pressure which helps with circulation.

Chaga – High in Antioxidants

The Chaga fungus is a parasitic species that grows mainly on birch trees in Russia. Similarly to the other two mushrooms, this fungus was used over 500 years ago by the indigenous population of Siberia, Ural Mountains, and Scandinavia. According to texts of traditional medicine, Chaga was used to treat cancer, tuberculosis, ulcers, and other gastric issues. 

Oddly enough, this species is not a mushroom, but rather a dark coloured sclerotium. Its color is partly due to the large amount of melanin it contains. However, when you open up the fungus you will find that it is a sharp and bright orange. This fungus tends to grow up to 40 cm in size and looks like a large clump of charcoal, so it is quite easy to spot. Unlike the other mushrooms, this fungus is one of the easiest fungi to forage for and is available all year round in the Northern Hemisphere. 

In modern times, the Chaga fungus has been thoroughly studied by scientists for its health benefits, with over 1600 published studies readily available. Chaga is known to be full of beneficial vitamins & antioxidants making it a very popular fungus for people to use. Interestingly enough, it is the fungus species with the highest concentration of antioxidants, making it a great product for skincare. It is also known to have the following benefits:

  • Increase productivity  Helps metabolize food into energy 
  • Ease inflammation  Studies show that I can prevent and ease swelling related to arthritis 

It is clear to see that many of these mushrooms have health benefits. They have been used for over 5000 years and they seem to still be relevant in modern times. The demand of these fungus species has increased over the last decade and will continue to do so as more medicinal research papers and studies come to light. It is very interesting to see how each of these functional fungi have different compounds to each other, and how they help benefit the human body and mind. 

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Medicinal Mushroom tinctures have become increasingly popular over the last decade, initiating the development of a variety of mushroom tinctures intended for daily use. Interestingly enough, tinctures have been present for millennia and have been used for both medicinal and botanical, purposes. The benefits of these tinctures vary per mushroom, so for the sake of this article, we have chosen some of the most important benefits and advantages pertaining to medicinal tinctures.


Many types of fungi are known to contain compounds that can boost the immune system in various ways. One of the ways in which it can do this is through antioxidants, which are molecules that fight compounds that can cause harm to your health. Luckily enough, all mushrooms are known to contain antioxidants, however certain strains contain higher levels than others. The most suitable tincture for this would be the Chaga mushroom as it is said to have the highest concentration of natural antioxidants.

Other immune-boosting functions include:
• Anti-inflammatory properties
• Detoxification of liver


In this day and age, a large proportion of our society is either dealing with, or has experienced, depression or anxiety. According to a study by BMC Complementary Therapies, certain mushroom tinctures can have antidepressant effects, especially ones like the Reishi species. The reason behind this is that it contains high levels of a compound known as triterpene, which is known to have beneficial effects for your nervous system in general.


Nowadays, many of us seek healthier alternatives to caffeinated drinks such as coffee or energy drinks, which have unwanted side effects such as anxiety, jitters, and a crash. Lucky for you, mushroom tinctures are the perfect substitute! Mushrooms such as the chaga species contain long chain polysaccharides (a compound that processes your food into energy) which don’t cause the crashing sensation you get from other stimulants.


The benefits of mushroom tinctures are not restricted to the three mentioned above. There are certainly a handful of other perks that come with taking tinctures such as improvement of metabolism or help with sleep. We scoured the web looking for them. In brief, notable benefits worth considering are:

• Antioxidant support
• Alternative to caffeine
• Help with sleep
• Supporting of cognitive heath
• Metabolism boost
• Aids in weight loss
• Reduces depression and anxiety
• Prevents and treats diabetes
• Immune system boost
• Reduce cancer risk
• Inflammation reduction

As not every benefit listed above has been scientifically proven, research around the health benefits of ancient mushroom strains like the Reishi, Chaga, and Lion’s mane continues. We are sure many more will be discovered in the coming years.

With that being said, if you are already taking medicine for other preexisting diseases, it is important to consult with your doctor to see whether these are suitable for you.

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Most of us are familiar with magic mushroom grow kits as there is plenty of information to be found on how it works online. However, information on spores and how to grow your own mushrooms from spores is something that is scarcer.

Spores are small one-celled units that contain all the required resources to grow into what we know as magic mushrooms. They do not contain any psilocybin until they begin producing mycelium, which is the underground fungal threads that allow the fruiting bodies to surface from the ground.

In this article, we will introduce you to Mondo’s three methods for growing your own spores at home. The three methods to growing your own spores are: Spore Vials, Liquid Cultures, and Spore Syringes.

Spore Vials

Spore vials come in small glass containers, which contain a fluid with millions of spores of a particular strain. The spore vials are useful, if stored correctly because you can preserve them for at least 2 years and use them various times. The liquid from the spore vials can be used to either inoculate the substrate you have produced yourself or to inoculate a grow kit without mycelium. Once you have injected the small amount of liquid into your substrate or grow kit, the spores will start to generate mycelium and it will start to colonize the substrate.

The advantages of spore vials are:

  • Legal status as it doesn’t contain psilocybin the illegal substance
  • Easy storage and longer shelf life
  • Help maximize your yield

Liquid Cultures

Liquid cultures are a nutritious sterilized solution consisting of water and specific sugars, such as organic honey or corn syrup. Usually, the spores are injected into a substrate in order to develop mycelium and colonize the substrate, but with liquid cultures, the growth of mycelium happens inside the container/jar/vial. The spores are injected into the liquid culture and the mycelium starts to develop inside the jar. Once the mycelium has developed in the jar, it is inoculated onto the substrate.

The advantages of Liquid Cultures are:

  • Lower contamination risk
  • Reduction of the incubation period
  • Infinite mycelium growth

Spore Syringes

Spore Syringes are syringes that contain a mixture of sterilized water and millions of mushroom spores. They are very similar to spore vials, but instead of being stored in a glass vial, it is stored in the syringe directly. These spore syringes are very easy to use and contain 20 ml of spore solution per syringe. The liquid from the spore syringe is injected into a substrate and within a few days, you will see the growth of the white, branch-like, mycelium. The mycelium will continue to grow and colonize the whole substrate. Once this has happened, you can start with the fruiting process.

The advantages of Spore Syringes are:

  • Easy-to-use method for novices
Spore Vials Easy Storage & longer shelf life 
Liquid CultureLower contamination risk & reduction of incubation period For advanced growers
Spore Syringes Easy to use Lower storage life than other methods
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The use of magic mushrooms can have a strong effect. They have the potential to bring the revelations of a lifetime yet also can be a memorably bad experience. Talk to anybody who has tried it and they will likely tell you the same. Some incredible, some average, and some bad experiences. With such a mixed bag of reactions, it might be difficult to know what to expect. Here we will make clear what you can do to ensure you have the best possible time while tripping.

First of all, it is important that you know what you are taking. Mushrooms have many different kinds and come in different strengths. The Mondo’s Grow Kits are labeled accordingly, letting you know the strength and expected variety of effects from each strain. Even the same kind of strain does not affect each person in the same way. Some people are more prone to hallucinations, and some barely are. Be aware of how much you take and what it does to you.

Most mushrooms contain the active ingredient psilocin, in this way most mushrooms are similar. There are however also other active mushrooms, some strains of the Amanita being the most popular alternative. These mushrooms work in a drastically different way so please be aware of what you consume.

A few side effects can turn a pleasant trip into a bad one. This is why you should not consume magic mushrooms if you are pregnant, using medicine, or have any underlying mental health conditions. A more common negative effect is anxiety or paranoia, they are especially nasty when one feels they are on a bad trip. If you have strong feelings of this kind or strong unresolved problems you have been ignoring, then be aware that magic mushrooms can bring these out in you. It often enhances and amplifies the mindset and emotional repertoire brought into the trip.

To prevent a bad trip from occurring, a few simple precautions can be taken. First of all, be aware of your own feelings. Do not take mushrooms to escape from them. If you are angry or depressed, mushrooms might not change this for you. Second, make sure you are in a place that you trust and where you feel at home. Your own or a friend’s home is an easy option if they are calm places. Public spaces, strangers, and traffic are notoriously some of the bigger causes of panic. Nature can be especially enjoyable. Third, be sure you are with trusted people. Quite some confusion can set in, so having people who can understand you is always helpful. If you are concerned about how you feel while tripping, having some reassurance can go a long way. Some people opt to have a tripsitter, meaning somebody who helps and cares for those tripping while not partaking themselves. Feeling comfortable with yourself, your surroundings, and those around you are three ways to ensure you get the most out of your trip.