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As autumn arrives, mushroom hunters rejoice at the beginning of fungi picking/collecting season. Among the different types of mushrooms, psilocybin mushrooms have gained significant attention for their potential therapeutic properties, with an increasing number of studies suggesting that psilocybin may be effective in managing mental health issues such as depression and addiction.

Certain states, such as Oregon, have even gone as far as legalising psilocybin for therapeutic purposes, and many speculate that it won’t be long before others follow suit.

The Liberty Cap

Liberty Cap mushrooms, commonly referred to as Psilocybe semilanceata are a species of psychedelic mushrooms that can be found throughout all of Europe and North America. The name Liberty Cap refers to the distinctive bell-shaped cap of the mushroom, which is often cream-reddish-brown in color. Despite their small size, they are well-known for their potent effects and continue to be a subject of fascination and research in the field. 

Now, let’s shift away from general information and dive into the enchanting story surrounding this magic mushroom.

According to University of Glasgow lecturer, Adrastos Omissi, the use of the mushroom’s folk name bothered him prompting him to delve deeper and explore the origins of the “Liberty Cap”. Being a Roman historian, he was initially perplexed by the name “Liberty Cap” as this referred to a conical felt cap given to Roman slaves to commemorate their freedom.

This fact initially puzzled the author, a Roman historian who associated the term “liberty cap” with a felt hat given to Roman slaves upon being granted freedom. The author notes the resemblance between the pointed cap of the Psilocybe semilanceata mushroom and the distinctive shape of the Roman liberty cap. One could not ignore the uncanny resemblance between the hat and the mushroom cap shape. 


Intrigued by this information, Adrastos Omissi continued to research the matter and discovered the surprising historical and cultural connections between the Roman liberty cap and the modern-day psychedelic mushroom. These connections span events such as assassinations, revolutions, poetry, and unique scientific discoveries.

The hat gained new cultural significance in 44 BC after Julius Caesar’s assassination on the Ides of March. Marcus Junius Brutus, known for his involvement in Caesar’s murder, minted coins with the words EID MAR, two daggers, and the liberty cap to show his part in the deed. The imagery of the coin was pretty straightforward: Rome had been freed from Caesar’s oppression. Brutus’s use of the symbol transformed it from a low-status symbol to an elite political symbol that outlasted him. Throughout the Roman period, the goddess Libertas and the liberty cap were commonly employed by emperors to emphasize the freedom their absolute rule provided. The liberty cap became a symbol of revolution and freedom from tyranny and was adopted by many revolutionary movements and groups.

Caps of revolution 

Did you know that stories of the Liberty Cap go all the way back through the Romans, the Renaissance, and the Age of Enlightenment? Read on to learn about the historical significance of the liberty cap, and how instrumental it has proven over the centuries. 

1500 – 1700 AD

After the fall of the Roman Empire, the liberty cap was largely forgotten until the 16th century. As interest in ancient Roman culture spread throughout Europe, the liberty cap became more widely known and used as a political symbol again. For instance, when the Dutch gained independence from Spain in 1577, coins bearing the liberty cap were minted to celebrate the event. Similarly, William of Orange used the symbol on coins commemorating his takeover of the English throne in 1688.

1700 – 1800 AD

However, it was during the 18th century that the liberty cap became a truly popular icon. The French and American revolutions in particular embraced the symbol, which had now merged with the visual form of the ancient Phrygian cap. The liberty cap (known as the bonnet rouge in French) was worn as actual headwear or decoration, rather than just a symbolic device. 

The French revolutionaries, for instance, forced Louis XVI to don the liberty cap during their 1790 attack on the Tuileries. Meanwhile, revolutionary groups in America declared their rebellion against British rule by raising the liberty cap on a pole in public squares. Benjamin Franklin even designed a medal in 1781 depicting Libertas Americana with the cap of liberty slung over her shoulder, to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.

1800 – 1900 AD

However, as mycology emerged as a discipline in the 19th century, the name “Liberty Cap” was universally associated with Psilocybe semilanceata. During this time the mushroom was considered obscure and only devoted mycologists were deeply interested in it. As common names for mushrooms began to be included in mycological handbooks, Psilocybe semilanceata was routinely identified as the Liberty Cap.

The earliest example of this association may have been in Mordecai Cooke’s 1871 Handbook of British Fungi. In 1894, Cooke published his Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms, which referred to Psilocybe semilanceata as “cap of liberty,” exactly the phrasing used by Coleridge, whom it would appear that Cooke was consciously quoting. By the 20th century, the name was firmly established and as a result of this fascinating history, it is commonly referred to as the liberty cap. 

Overall, the history of the Liberty Cap spans ancient Rome, the Renaissance, and the Age of Enlightenment. It has been used as a symbol of both oppression and liberation and has been employed in a wide variety of contexts, from the assassination of Julius Caesar to the American Revolution. Its legacy remains alive today as a strong symbol of freedom and resistance, as well as a potent magic mushroom with potential therapeutic benefits. 

Did you enjoy this article? Visit our other blogs. We regularly post interesting articles related to everything surrounding Mushrooms. Check out this article titled ”A guide to Different Mushroom Strains’

The information provided by Mondo Grow Kits on this page is for general informational and educational purposes only and does not advocate the use of any illicit products, nor does it constitute providing medical advice or professional services. Always consult your doctor before making any decisions about healthcare.

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Depression is a widespread mental health condition affecting millions of individuals globally, and while various treatments are available, not all people respond well to them. In recent years there has been a surge in interest around the potential therapeutic benefits of psychedelic substances such as psilocybin or LSD. Despite these substances being considered illegal in most parts of the world, there are studies that suggest that they could have a positive impact on the brain leading to improvements in mood and other aspects of mental health.

Let’s dive into the world of medical psilocybin research!

Several recent studies published by The New England Journal of Medicine and Nature Medicine have revealed that psilocybin, the active compound found in “magic mushrooms” can help treat depression. This hallucinogen is responsible for altering the brain’s response to a chemical called serotonin, which carries messages between the nerve cells in your brain and body. 

According to previous studies, using functional MRI (fMRI) brain scanning, researchers found that psilocybin has the ability to reduce activity in the medial prefrontal cortex. This area of the brain is responsible for regulating cognitive functions such as awareness, inhibitory control, habits, and memory. By reducing the activity in this area, psilocybin could potentially have the capability to remove internal constraints and help individuals shift towards an increasingly open-minded understanding of the environment surrounding them.

Depression is typically characterized by rumination, a state of negative reflections, particularly about yourself. Research shows that individuals with greater levels of negative rumination tend to show increased brain activity compared with other networks at rest. 

Research findings indicate that a single dose of psilocybin can increase connectivity between different networks in the brainwhich are usually diminished in individuals with severe depression, as revealed by fMRI measures taken one day after psilocybin administration. 

New Evidence has surged

This double-blind randomized controlled trial, the most compelling evidence so far, revealed that people taking psilocybin showed a significant increase in connectivity between brain networks compared to those taking the antidepressant drug escitalopram. In contrast, the brains of those taking escitalopram showed no change in connectivity between the default mode and other brain networks six weeks after treatment started. 

Researchers believe that the observed effect may be due to psilocybin having more concentrated action on receptors in the brain than escitalopram, which could be why psilocybin has a more rapid onset of antidepressant effect. The study suggests that activating these receptors could alter brain network connectivity, but the specific mechanisms of this effect are yet to be fully understood.

Additionally, it showed that both groups reported improvements in their symptoms six weeks after commencing treatment. 

“Nevertheless, psilocybin had the greatest effect on overall mental well-being”

Nevertheless, psilocybin had the greatest effect on overall mental well-being, and a greater proportion of patients treated with psilocybin showed a positive clinical response compared with those treated with escitalopram. More patients in the psilocybin group were also still in remission at six weeks, and although some patients still do not respond to psilocybin, or relapse after treatment, the studies provide promising results that bring us closer to expanding the available treatment options for patients with depression.

It is important to note that the success of psilocybin treatment is heavily dependent on the environment in which it is taken and that patients of these studies were carefully selected for psilocybin-assisted therapy based on their history to avoid the risk of psychosis and other possible adverse effects.

Will psilocybin come to replace the era of traditional antidepressants?

The studies mentioned above provide a glimpse of hope for the future of depression treatment with psilocybin and the possibility of expanding options for patients with depression. 

Of course, while the therapeutic potential of psilocybin for depression appears to be promising, it is unlikely that it will completely replace traditional antidepressant medications. Instead, it can offer an alternative treatment choice for those who have not attained satisfactory results, or unwanted side effects, from standard treatments.

To establish the safety and efficiency of psilocybin as a treatment option for depression, further research is needed with larger and more diverse populations. Additionally, identifying optimal dosing regimens and ingestion methods will be crucial in determining psilocybin’s effectiveness for treating depression.

All-in-all, the future of psilocybin as a method to help treat depression is very interesting and something to keep an eye out for. 

Did you enjoy this article? Check out our blog page where we regularly post interesting articles related to everything surrounding Mushrooms.

The information provided by Mondo Grow Kits on this page is for general informational and educational purposes only and does not advocate the use of any illicit products, nor does it constitute providing medical advice or professional services. Always consult your doctor before making any decisions about healthcare.

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Microdosing is the practice of taking very small doses of psychedelic substances, like psilocybin mushrooms, to achieve subtle benefits without experiencing a full-blown psychedelic trip.

Here are three exciting things to know about microdosing:

1) Microdosing can enhance creativity and productivity – Microdosers often report feeling more focused, creative, and productive after taking a small dose of psilocybin. It’s like drinking a cup of coffee that helps you concentrate, but instead of caffeine, you’re getting a small dose of a psychedelic substance.

2) Microdosing may have therapeutic benefits – Although more research is needed, some studies suggest that microdosing could help alleviate symptoms of mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, and PTSD. It’s like taking a daily supplement that helps improve your mood and overall well-being.

3) Microdosing is relatively safe – Because microdoses are small, the risk of experiencing negative side effects like anxiety or confusion is much lower than with a full dose of psychedelic substances. It’s like taking a small sip of alcohol instead of drinking an entire bottle – you’re unlikely to experience any harmful effects.

Overall, microdosing is an exciting area of research that could offer new insights into the benefits of psychedelic substances. As more research is conducted, we may learn even more about the potential benefits of microdosing.

Bonus facts: 

1) Microdosing with magic truffles is becoming increasingly popular and you can find out about the history of Microdosing and some further interesting facts right here! 

2) Many people confuse Magic Truffles with sclerotia. Find out why they are wrong here!

3) There are many ways to get the most out of Mondo microdosing truffle kits right here. 

Did you enjoy this article? Don’t hesitate to check out our other blogs. We regularly post interesting articles related to everything surrounding Mushrooms

The information provided by Mondo Grow Kits on this page is for general informational and educational purposes only and does not advocate the use of any illicit products, nor does it constitute providing medical advice or professional services. Always consult your doctor before making any decisions about healthcare.

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Here’s a short list of films and documentaries exploring research that is being conducted around the therapeutic potential of psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms.

  1. “The Psilocybin Solution” (2021) – This documentary explores the history of psilocybin and its therapeutic potential, featuring interviews with leading researchers, patients, and advocates.
  1. “Magic Medicine” (2018) – This film investigates the scientific, medical, and cultural aspects of psilocybin, exploring its use as a therapeutic tool for mental health conditions and addiction.
  1. “Tripping on Lysergic Acid” (2017) – This documentary explores the history and cultural significance of LSD and psilocybin, including their use in therapeutic settings and as tools for personal growth and spiritual development.
  1. “The Reality of Truth” (2018) – This film explores the use of psychedelics, including psilocybin, in spiritual practice and personal development, featuring interviews with leading experts and advocates in the field.
  1. “Shrooms: A New Understanding” (2020) – This film takes a closer look at the therapeutic potential of psilocybin, including its use in the treatment of depression, anxiety, and addiction, and its potential to promote personal growth and spiritual awakening.

These films and documentaries are super useful in getting a grasp of the latest developments in psilocybin research, and the growing body of evidence supporting its therapeutic potential.

Did you enjoy this article? Don’t hesitate to check out our other blogs. We regularly post interesting articles related to everything surrounding Mushrooms!

The information provided by Mondo Grow Kits on this page is for general informational and educational purposes only and does not advocate the use of any illicit products, nor does it constitute providing medical advice or professional services. Always consult your doctor before making any decisions about healthcare. 

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Psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms, has been the subject of growing interest in the field of medicinal mushroom research. 

There has been a surge in scientific studies exploring the potential therapeutic benefits of psilocybin, particularly in the treatment of mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD.


One of the most exciting developments in this area is the increasing evidence of psilocybin’s effectiveness as a rapid-acting antidepressant. In clinical trials, a single dose of psilocybin has been shown to produce rapid and sustained improvements in symptoms of depression and anxiety, often within just a few hours. 

These effects have been shown to last for several weeks, providing hope for those who have not found relief from traditional antidepressant medications.


Another area of great interest is the use of psilocybin-assisted therapy for addiction and substance use disorders. Recent studies have shown promising results in using psilocybin as an adjunct to traditional therapy, helping individuals to break free from the grip of addiction and overcome substance use disorders.

We don’t fully understand the mechanism of action of psilocybin yet, but it is believed to work by resetting the brain’s default mode network and reducing hyperconnectivity, which has been implicated in the development of depression and anxiety. Psilocybin has also been shown to promote neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to change and adapt in response to new experiences. 

This has implications for the treatment of a wide range of conditions, including addiction, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and PTSD.


Another exciting area of research is the use of psilocybin in combination with mindfulness and meditation practices. This approach is believed to enhance the therapeutic effects of psilocybin and deepen the therapeutic experience, providing a new and potentially more effective approach to the treatment of mental health conditions.

In conclusion, psilocybin is a rapidly emerging area of research, with exciting new developments being reported regularly. The growing body of evidence supporting its efficacy in the treatment of mental health conditions and addiction provides hope for those who have not found relief from traditional treatments. 

With further research, psilocybin may emerge as a transformative new approach to the treatment of mental health conditions, offering rapid and lasting relief to those who need it most.

Did you enjoy this article? Don’t hesitate to check out our other blogs. We regularly post interesting articles related to everything surrounding Mushrooms!

The information provided by Mondo Grow Kits on this page is for general informational and educational purposes only and does not advocate the use of any illicit products, nor does it constitute providing medical advice or professional services. Always consult your doctor before making any decisions about healthcare.

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Magic mushrooms, also known as shrooms or psilocybin mushrooms, have been used for centuries for their therapeutic and spiritual properties. The wide range of medical advancements of the past decade have created promising opportunities for treating mental health disorders. Let’s explore them! 

In recent years, both magic and conventional mushrooms have gained attention as promising treatments for various mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Microdosing and medicinal mushroom tinctures are among the most popular forms, but more are emerging. 

With the growing body of research on the medicinal benefits of magic mushrooms, they are slowly becoming a potential alternative to traditional pharmaceutical treatments.


Magic mushrooms contain the active ingredient psilocybin, which acts as a serotonin receptor agonist in the brain. This means that it activates the same receptors in the brain as the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is involved in regulating mood, appetite, and sleep. When psilocybin is consumed, it causes changes in perception, thought, and emotion that can last for several hours.


One of the most promising medicinal applications of magic mushrooms is in the treatment of depression and anxiety. A growing body of research suggests that psilocybin has the potential to relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety, even in individuals who have not responded to traditional treatments. In a clinical trial, for example, patients with treatment-resistant depression who were given a high dose of psilocybin showed significant reductions in symptoms of depression and anxiety up to five weeks after the treatment.


Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a debilitating condition that can result from exposure to traumatic events. Although there are various treatments for PTSD, many individuals do not respond well to traditional pharmaceutical treatments. Magic mushrooms have been shown to have promising effects in the treatment of PTSD. A clinical trial, for example, showed that a single dose of psilocybin was effective in reducing symptoms of PTSD in patients who had not responded to traditional treatments.


Magic mushrooms have the potential to revolutionize the way we treat mental health conditions. With the growing body of research on the medicinal benefits of magic mushrooms, they are slowly becoming a promising alternative to traditional pharmaceutical treatments. However, it is important to note that magic mushrooms should only be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional and with caution, as they can have serious side effects. 

More research is needed to fully understand the therapeutic potential of magic mushrooms, but the results so far are promising and offer hope for individuals who have not responded well to traditional treatments.

The information provided by Mondo Grow Kits on this page is for general informational and educational purposes only and does not advocate the use of any illicit products, nor does it constitute providing medical advice or professional services. Always consult your doctor before making any decisions about healthcare. 

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So you’ve successfully dried your psychedelic mushrooms after a good harvest from your Mondo grow kit. Now the next important step comes: finding a good way to store them.

It’s worth noting that any container you choose has to be kept in a cool, dark spot. Oxygen, light and moisture are the things that spoil your harvest. Too much of any and the potency of your shrooms can be affected.

Now, read on as we lay out a few options for you.


Undoubtedly, the best option as far as containers go is a vacuum-sealed pack. By fully protecting your shrooms from the air in a way that jars and other containers don’t, you protect them from degradation caused by oxygen and moisture.

However, vacuum sealing entails making an investment in the right equipment, and may not be the cheapest option. So it may be a deal breaker for those looking to work on a budget.


A simple mason jar is a good option too. They are well sealed and therefore will protect your psychedelic mushrooms from the killer elements, namely oxygen and moisture. However since oxygen and moisture will be present in the jar in small quantities, you can throw in a couple of desiccant pouches to be safe.


Another great option is to use CVault containers. These are made of stainless steel and also work to control humidity.

Remember, light, moisture, oxygen and heat are the sworn enemies of your shrooms, so whatever container you’ve chosen, it needs to be left in a location away from heat and light sources. Your cupboard or pantry will do just fine.

The information shared above is for general informational purposes only and does not advocate the use of any illicit products.

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Once you harvest your Mondo magic mushrooms, you have two options: either eat them fresh or dry them for storage. Whatever you choose, doing it correctly is important to avoid rotting or molding.

Congratulations! Your mushrooms have survived the difficult section of their journey. Having gone from tiny pins into fully formed fruiting bodies under your watchful gaze, the transformation from mycelium into magic mushrooms is complete. An important reminder here is to pluck your shrooms before the veil under the caps has fully detached.

Now that you’ve harvested from your grow kit, you have to decide on which of the two roads to take – consuming your mushrooms fresh or drying them for storage.


Freshly harvested psilocybin mushrooms only stay fresh in the fridge for about two weeks at 2–4°C. When refrigerated it is important to keep them in a paper bag or perforated plastic to prevent moisture buildup, as it can lead to mold.

If you don’t plan on eating your entire harvest within 2 weeks, however, drying them out to preserve them is essential. Microdosing also requires you to dry the mushrooms before storage. A full flush from your Mondo Grow Kit will provide you with plenty of microdoses if you preserve them correctly.


There are a couple of different ways to dry your mushrooms. Although some are more effective than others, your decision should be based on the tools you have at your disposal and the conditions in which you live. The good news is, that you don’t need to go out and buy expensive equipment to dry your mushrooms – a DIY set-up will work just fine. 


Pre-drying refers to removing excess water from your mushrooms before drying them out completely. This is important if you want your shrooms to be properly dried; by the end, they should snap when bent. Having your shrooms reach this level of dryness is important both for their shelf life and for measuring consistent doses and microdoses.

To start pre-drying, spread out your mushrooms on a piece of cardboard or a towel so that they aren’t touching. Then leave them in an aerated spot somewhere, or place them in front of a fan. An important point is to make sure they aren’t exposed to direct light or sunlight as this can reduce their potency.

After a few hours have passed check, on them to see if they have dried out on their surface (if using a towel, you may have to move them around periodically to avoid trapped moisture).


You may choose to go for the easiest option and simply air-dry your shrooms all the way. To do this, simply continue the pre-drying process for a couple more days, until your magic mushrooms are brittle enough to snap when you bend them.

Bear in mind, that this method carries certain downsides; if the room they are drying in is too humid, your shrooms won’t dry properly for really long-term storage. Some moisture may be left in the center of the fruiting bodies which can lead to dosing inconsistencies or can even lead to mold developing over time.


If you decide to go down the technical route instead of 100% air drying your fungi, you can use a dehydrator. This will softly heat your shrooms while ensuring a constant flow of fresh air in and out of the dehydrator.

As with the air-drying method, lay out your mushrooms on the drying racks so that they aren’t touching. Keep the heat low (around 40°C) to make sure that you don’t sacrifice the potency since higher temperatures can reduce psilocybin content. 

Check up on the mushrooms every so often over the next 4 to 8 hours, until they snap when you bend them; after this, you can pack them up for long-term storage.

This is the pricier method of drying magic mushrooms, but it is arguably the best way. It will consistently result in shrooms that have dried all the way through, maximizing their shelf life and optimizing your ability to accurately dose.


Another option is to use a desiccant, which absorbs moisture. For this method, just make sure your mushrooms are properly pre-dried first. You can then scatter some desiccant among your shrooms and let it work its magic (just make sure the desiccant isn’t in direct contact with your mushrooms). This can also be used to ensure they don’t spoil during storage.

And there you go; now that your Mondo grow kit has been successfully harvested and dried, you can store them away to be used whenever you need them.

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This Giant Fruiter is not fussy about its environment, which makes it so popular! Find out more about Mokum’ (B+)  name, origin and growth habits in this article.

From Florida with love

Legend has it that a certain Mr. G from Florida is the original cultivator of the B+ strain. But like with most of the known Mushroom strains, it is hard to establish factual evidence of this origin story. There is also a lot of mystery surrounding Mr. G’s Persona. If Mr. G. is the original cultivator, we have him to thank for one of the most famous and sought-after Mushroom strains! 

Huge fruiting bodies

B+ grows very large fruits; some growers have reported fruits as large as 35 cm in length! The average length of the stems is somewhere between 15 cm and 20 cm, whereas the diameter of the caps averages around 2 cm to 7 cm. When growing in warmer conditions, B+ produces beautiful caramel-colored caps and thick, white stems. 

However, Wherever

B+ is so popular because it is not picky about its surroundings. B+ has been reported to fruit multiple times outdoors, in very different climates. There have been reports of beautiful flushes during the summer (temperatures as high as 32 °C) and even during winter (temperatures as low as 7 °C). It is therefore one of the most versatile and easy to grow strains around!  

If B+ Mokum sounds like the right fit for you, you can go to our shop and order your Grow Kit today. 

B+ characteristics

• Cultivation difficulty: Very Easy

• Substrate: Dung, Straw, Various grains

• Potency: Moderate

• Colonization time: 8-15 days

• Colonization temperature: 28 – 30 Celsius

• Fruiting temperature: 23 – 26 Celsius

Did you enjoy this article? Don’t hesitate to check out our other blogs. We regularly post interesting articles related to everything surrounding Mushrooms!

The information provided by Mondo Grow Kits is for general informational purposes only and does not advocate the use of illicit products. 

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This curiously named, prolific fruiter has long been a favorite species among psilocybin enthusiasts for a number of reasons. Let’s explore its past and uncover some interesting facts about the Pacifica Exotica Spora Amazonia (PES AMA).

The name PES Amazonia can be confusing at first, but it simply refers to the Pacifica Spora company which first developed after they were found in the wild. This species, with origins from deep within the Amazonian rainforest, is a psilocybe cubensis variety.


It is reported that the species has long been used by indigenous cultures and ancient civilizations to help them attain a degree of spiritual enlightenment. Perhaps the cerebral nature of its effects is responsible for this association.


PES Amazonia, or AMA for short, often gives a short & stubby fruiting body with solid stems. The shrooms can grow quite large compared to other popular strains and have a reddish tint on their caps. Many seasoned growers report much larger yields from second and third flushes, so this is an important fact to bear in mind when exploring the intricacies of the PES AMA.

Generally speaking, the PES AMA is considered a great option for beginners due to its potency, ease of growth, and the fact that it often yields multiple impressive flushes. Although, it is important to note that experiences vary from person to person. Experiences can depend on a variety of factors such as the individual’s biochemistry, mindset and even the circumstances in which they ingest these magical, ancient fungi.

It is therefore very important to be safe, informed, prepared, and respectful of any psilocybin-containing species.

How does the PES Amazonian compare to the Hawaiian species?

The Hawaiian is also a cubensis species with quite a textbook appearance. You can expect beautiful, stalky picturesque fruiting bodies from the PES Hawaii. While not the tallest species, the PES Hawaii will yield wider, dense caps which can sometimes have speckles on them.

Perhaps the most interesting fact about the Hawaiian species is the name which some find misleading. Unlike the Amazonian, this species was not named after its origins. While both species were developed by the PES company, they named this species the Hawaiian after their headquarters which were in Honolulu, Hawaii.

It is also reported that the Hawaii loves to grow on dung piles, much like its Georgian cousin, the Golden Teacher. Compared to the Amazonian, the Hawaiian species can have a higher potency and cause beautiful, colorful visuals when the eyes are closed.

Did you enjoy this article? Don’t hesitate to check out our other blogs. We regularly post interesting articles related to everything surrounding Mushrooms!

The information provided by Mondo Grow Kits is for general informational purposes only and does not advocate the use of illicit products.